Well we are finally here in Portugal. Today is day 2 and we are feeling more settled in now. The first day was crazy, getting to the first appointment at Ferticentro Fertility Clinic for scans and bloods.
As you all know by now, reciprocal IVF splits the IVF process between the two mothers. One gives the eggs and the other does the uterine preparation for embryo transfer. It’s really nerve wracking wondering whether things will be ok, or if you might encounter a problem.

With IVF you can never be sure how things are progressing until you get a scan and bloods.
For my last embryo transfer in Spain, which was unsuccessful, my lining was not great, only measuring at 6mm on day 8 of the preparation. Yesterday it was fantastic, at 11mm on day 6.
Then Audrey got scanned while I sat with Ava watching Peppa on my phone. I think we were both a bit nervous to see how her follicles were developing. But turns out we were nervous for nothing. Isabel Torgal (director of Ferticentro) was delighted with the progress. This was day 5 and there were multiple follicles measuring exactly as they should be. We were both so relieved. The plan is to scan again on Monday which will be day 8, with a view to scheduling the collection for the middle of the week.The thing is, IVF can be such a lottery. We are tentatively hopeful that it’s all looking good for us this cycle. That’s not to say that something unexpected might pop up.
I can’t stress this enough.
When doing IVF with your partner/wife/husband, you need to be a team. This is one of the hardest things you will ever go through. You need to know that you’ve got each others backs. No matter the outcome. You’ve also got to be on the same page with what you want. There are important things to discuss. How many times are you willing to do a cycle? How much can you afford? Are you open to changing the plan if needs be? What will you do if it doesn’t work?
You need to be prepared for every eventuality. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be if you are thrown a curveball.
We have always agreed that if something happens and we can’t use Audrey's eggs, then we will use mine. If we can’t use mine, we will use a donor or adopt. But we are very clear, and always have been, that we definitely want more children. Hopefully our plan ‘A’ works, but if not we have a plan ‘B’ and ‘C’!
Anyway, my two girls are taking a nap and I’m going to go for a little stroll. Unfortunately the weather has been really bad for this time of year, but the sun seems to be peeking through today. There is a field of goats across from our apartment. Calm and peaceful. (Until Ava wakes up!)
As always, if you have questions about anything I’ve discussed, pop it in the comments and I’d be happy to answer.
Much love,
Ranae x