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Guess What?

Writer's picture: Ranae von MedingRanae von Meding

So I guess the cat is out of the bag?!

I’m pregnant!

We did a digital test 9dp5dt. In other words, 9 days post our 5 day old embryo transfer. We were supposed to wait until May 4th which would have been 11 days, but decided to do the test the day before we left Portugal. I actually woke at 5am that day and couldn’t hold my pee any longer, so I peed on the stick and then left it hidden in the bathroom. It literally KILLED me to not look at it, but I had promised Audrey we would do it together. So then when Ava woke us just before 7am, I told Audrey to go in and get it. She looked at it and was a bit confused… Guess what? We are so silly and didn’t realise the test would be in Portuguese! So she showed it to me and all I saw was 1-2 which I knew meant 1 to 2 weeks pregnant. So I said ‘that’s good news!!!!’ What it said was ‘Gravida’ which is ‘pregnant’ in Portuguese.

Anyway, we were absolutely delighted and it was a wonderful feeling to leave for Ireland the next day, knowing that it had worked. Felt like we had come full circle in a matter of weeks. It was such a special time to spend those weeks as a little family, making our next baby together.

On the 4th, the day after we arrived home, I needed to get a blood HCG test, to confirm the pregnancy and to check the level of it in my blood. I just went to my GP which is the easiest and cheapest way to have it done. The result came back that afternoon at 103. It’s not a massively high number, but anything over 50 in the early days is considered a viable pregnancy.

HCG increases rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy, and in an IVF pregnancy they always want you to get it checked again to make sure it is increasing as it should.

So I’ll get another one done this week to make sure it’s going up. It’s early days and we would like the next few weeks and months to be uneventful and things to progress as they should. Obviously a lot can happen in the early stages of pregnancy. That’s why so many people wait until 12 weeks or more to announce it. My last pregnancy with Ava started out very similarly, so we are hopeful that this one will do the same.

Because I’m a Type 1 Diabetic, I need more monitoring during pregnancy and have to attend a hospital clinic every 2 to 4 weeks depending on how it is going. Last time I was seen at 5 weeks and got to have an early scan. Apparently they don’t want to see me til 8 weeks this time. I don’t think I’m going to be able to wait that long for a scan!! I’ll definitely need one before that for my own sanity. We are also dying to find out if there is a singleton in there or if both embryos survived. It’s likely that just one did, but there is always a chance. That would be a lot to process if it was two… Can you imagine??!

Thank You

We want to say a HUGE thank you to the whole team at Ferticentro Fertility Clinic in Coimbra. It is crazy to think that just a few months ago, we didn’t even know they existed, and now they have helped to change to course of our lives forever. They were so good to us from start to finish of the process. There is literally nothing that we were unhappy with. Professional and experts at what they do, but warm harmed and genuinely cared for our outcome.

Who knows, maybe we will be back again in a few years for another addition to the family? Never say never.


Ranae x


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